Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9mJuUkhUzk
11/06/2023 旧金山时间上午10点,Open AI公司召开第一次程序员大会(FIRST DEVELOPER CONFERENCE),OpenAI CEO Sam Altman作为Keynote,就ChatGPT-4.0 Turbo 做了详尽的介绍。ChatGPT-4.0 Turbo无疑是当今世界AI的一次革命,这给我们的商业化带来了机会,但是我们需要跑快一点,因为业界,都在跑。
从早期GPT只是在科研,学术方面的应用,到去年ChatGPT的广泛应用,被社会迅速接受追捧,那个时候,可以称之为AI 1.0时代;Open AI CEO SAM 宣布的ChatGPT Turbo, 意味着AI 2.0的到来,这将是人人都要使用的产品。
Open AI的周活到0.1亿人次,有200万人在开发,ChatGPT 4.0 Turbo的问世,将进一步推动AI的开发狂潮。OpenAI在有关资料中宣布,92% Fortune 500 company已经开始在用ChatGPT产品。下面总结一下在整个conference中收集到的信息(除了技术层面的Json以外)。
1. ChatGPT Enterprise
Offering Enterprise Grade Security and Privacy。意味着正式进入商业应用。
2. 数据训练几乎包揽了当今所有的知识
据上一次,数据训练停留在2021年11月,这次11/06 在DevDay上,Sam宣布,数据训练到了2023年4月。几乎包揽了当今所有的知识。
(摘自Open AI官网 11/06/2023)
The GPT-4 Turbo is more capable and has knowledge of world events up to April 2.
3. 一次性提供128K的context window
上个版本GPT4 提供8-32K的token长度,现在直接拉升到128K长度的Token,相当于300页书的字段输入。
(摘自Open AI官网 11/06/2023)
It has a 128k context window, so it can fit the equivalent of more than 300 pages of text in a single prompt.
4. 私有化模型部署的简易性 (Assistant API)
估计这是各企业最关心的课题,而且是最愿意花钱的地方。我们在运用LLM在我们具体项目的时候,常用的方式是用比如LangChain, 及矢量数据库来和LLM做衔接,现在这些都不需要了,Open AI开发了Assistant API,接替这些工作,让开发更简单。应用数据不会被训练。
(摘自Open AI官网 11/06/2023)
Today, we’re releasing the Assistants API, our first step towards helping developers build agent-like experiences within their own applications. An assistant is a purpose-built AI that has specific instructions, leverages extra knowledge, and can call models and tools to perform tasks. The new Assistants API provides new capabilities such as Code Interpreter and Retrieval as well as function calling to handle a lot of the heavy lifting that you previously had to do yourself and enable you to build high-quality AI apps.As with the rest of the platform, data and files passed to the OpenAI API are never used to train our models and developers can delete the data when they see fit.
5. 不用写代码的软件开发平台
(摘自Open AI官网 11/06/2023)
Anyone can easily build their own GPT—no coding is required. You can make them for yourself, just for your company’s internal use, or for everyone. Creating one is as easy as starting a conversation, giving it instructions and extra knowledge, and picking what it can do, like searching the web, making images or analyzing data.
6. 多模态整合
在Open AI系统中,DALL.E3 , the most advance image model, 可以通过被提供文字,而生成图像;GPT4 负责文本; TTS(Text To Speech)负责语音。在Turbo中,喂图像可以产生文字,全部在一起完成。
ChatGPT 4.0 Turbo可以通过Chat Completions API接受图片,输出文字,并且对图片进行分析。
Open AI提供 TTS(Text To Speech),可以从提供文字直接就产生人类语言对话。
7. 声音识别系统,图像生成系统
Open AI将上线Whisper v3,新一代开源语音识别模型;Consistency Decoder, 图像生成系统.
(摘自Open AI官网 11/06/2023)
We are releasing Whisper large-v3, the next version of our open source automatic speech recognition model (ASR) which features improved performance across languages. We also plan to support Whisper v3 in our API in the near future.
We are also open sourcing the Consistency Decoder, a drop in replacement for the Stable Diffusion VAE decoder. This decoder improves all images compatible with the by Stable Diffusion 1.0+ VAE, with significant improvements in text, faces and straight lines.
8. 减低消费者成本
Open AI此举是在让ChatGPT 4.0 Turbo 成为一个大众都消费得起的产品。
(摘自Open AI官网 11/06/2023)
We also optimized its performance, so we are able to offer GPT-4 Turbo at a 3x cheaper price for input tokens and a 2x cheaper price for output tokens compared to GPT-4.
9. 建立GPT商店(本月末发布)
用户建立自己的GPT应用,投放GPT商店,意味着Open AI开始建立自己的生态,意味着Open AI为社会提供了商业机会,更意味着,推动社会发展,将淘汰落后生产方式,尽管他们自己没有这样说。
(摘自Open AI官网 11/06/2023)
We’re rolling out custom versions of ChatGPT that you can create for a specific purpose—called GPTs. GPTs are a new way for anyone to create a tailored version of ChatGPT to be more helpful in their daily life, at specific tasks, at work, or at home—and then share that creation with others. For example, GPTs can help you learn the rules to any board game, help teach your kids math, or design stickers. |