本帖最后由 YongP 于 2023-9-27 14:38 编辑
First Step 明日之光团队2023拉尼尔湖㫠大清扫活动 By MichelleHu/ 胡慕雪 (英文和中文翻译) 今天,2023年9月23日,阳光明媚,晴空万里, 正是家庭出游的好时机。我们家一家四口,还有团队的17个家庭,高高兴兴地来到 Gwinnett 公园。不要误会噢,我们不是来郊游的,我们是来参加第35届拉尼尔湖㫠大清扫的。 拉尼尔湖㫠大清扫每年都会召集数百名超过1,000 名志愿者一起清理超过 700 英里湖岸线。这是我们团队连续第三年参加一年一度的拉尼尔湖㫠大规模清理活动!First Step团队25位队员和23位家长,共48名志愿者参加了这次活动。每次组织活动除了服务社区、净化环境之外, 最令人兴奋的事情就是能在老面孔之中,看到新面孔,即可以跟老朋友增进感情又可以认识新朋友。
我们团队这次被分配到Buford Dam 坝下。山坡上有野山羊、野鹅、旁边就是洽塔库琪河。由于天气好又刚放了鱼苗, 河里钓鱼的人还挺多的。不少钓鱼人士纷纷表示感谢我们团队小朋友们的服务。
First Step2023 Lake Lanier Shore Sweep By Michelle Hu/ 胡慕雪(英文和中文翻译) On September 23, 2023, it was a warm, sunny day—a perfect day for a family outing. Our family of four, along with 17 other families from First Step, gathered at Gwinnett Park. However, we weren't there for a picnic; we were there to participate in the 35th Lake Lanier Association Shore Sweep of 2023.
The Lake Lanier Shore Sweep is scheduled annually to bring together over 1,000 volunteers to clean more than 700 miles of shoreline. First Step has been participating in the Lake Lanier Shore Sweep for the past three years. Today, 48 volunteers from the First Step team, consisting of 25 team members and 23 parents, joined in the Shore Sweep. To me, the most exciting aspect of organizing an event, aside from serving our community and cleaning up the environment, is seeing new faces alongside the familiar ones. This not only strengthens our friendships with old friends but also helps us make new friends.
Our team was assigned to the Buford Dam this time. On the hillside next to the Chattahoochee River, we encountered wild goats and geese. The pleasant weather, combined with the recent fish release, attracted many anglers to the river. Numerous anglers expressed their gratitude to our team members for their service.
Volunteers could drop off trash at one of the designated sites. Some team members and parents suggested we have a picnic next year after the Shore Sweep. I hope to see more people at the upcoming event. Please feel free to contact us at firststepteam2020@gmail.com.