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First Step 团队暑假活动集锦 (三) 清扫活动 By Michelle Hu/ 胡慕雪 (英文和中文翻译)
暑假开始之后 First Step VP of Environmental Affairs, 蒋鹏 Mathew Jiang and Co-President of First Step, 胡慕雪 Michelle Hu, 组织了多次清扫活动。公园里、学校里、大街上First Step 的成员头戴小红帽、手拿抓取器和垃圾袋清扫着各个角落的垃圾。捡垃圾是我们团队的传统义工活动,每年团队最少组织20次以上大小不一的清扫活动, 有时甚至有超过70人参加。这是一项很棒的家庭活动,没有年龄限制以及任何要求。欢迎您加入我们,请随时通过firststep2020@gmail.com与我们联系。 First Step Summer Activities (3)Trash Cleanup Activities
By Michelle Hu/ 胡慕雪 (英文和中文翻译)
Since the summer started, Mathew Jiang, Vice President of Environmental Affairs at First Step, and Michelle Hu, Co-President of First Step, have organized multiple trash cleanup activities. Members of First Step, armed with grabbers, gloves, and trash bags, have been cleaning up parks, schools, and streets in their communities. Trash cleanups are a longstanding volunteer activity for our team. Every year, we organize at least 20 trash cleanup events of various sizes, sometimes with even over 70 participants. This is a fantastic family activity with no age restrictions or prior knowledge. Feel free to join us by contacting us at firststep2020@gmail.com.