每年Labor Day都是First Step义工团队团建并庆祝的日子,今年也不例外。
随着团队会员数量的不断扩大,提前预定的项目已不能满足小义工们服务社会的渴望,正愁无法安顿没报上名的会员需求时,团队负责汇演的 VP Luke Xu发出了每月庆生汇演的节目接龙,于是在8月31日10点到12点同一时间,团队会员兵分两路,各自上演了不同的精彩。
先说水路团队,大约60多人,他们前往 River Forks Park,穿上救生衣,坐上水务船,听授水质检测课程并亲自测试记录,下船后两位总统Michelle Hu和Emily Song以及创始总统Annie Lin还做了团队总结性发言。Meeting之后就是酬款义卖和potluck聚餐环节,一片祥和的畅谈和美食品尝之后,依旧不忘发扬团队的传统精神一一清理公园,因为团队的精神就是所到之处不留下一点垃圾。
再说陆路团队,家长带着孩子们来到希望老人活动中心,为当月过生日的老人们献上一台精美的演出,吹、拉、弹、唱,歌、舞、颂、诵,少儿的笑脸童颜伴着老人的鹤发童颜,那么合谐那么悠然!服务老人社区己是团队的重要项目,掌声送给爱心满满的年轻人,掌声也送给福气多多的老年人,因为你们都为社区交上了完美的答卷! Every year, Labor Day is a time for the First Step volunteer team to come together, build, and celebrate—and this year was no exception. As the team continues to grow, the demand for volunteer opportunities has outpaced the number of pre-booked projects. To accommodate the eager volunteers, the team's VP of Performance, Luke Xu, introduced a monthly birthday performance program. On August 31, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., the volunteers were divided into two groups, each delivering their own unique and engaging performances.
Let's start with the Water Team, which included about 60 members. They gathered at River Forks Park, donned life jackets, and boarded the water service boat to participate in a water quality testing course. They conducted tests and recorded results hands-on. After disembarking, team presidents Michelle Hu and Emily Song, along with founding president Annie Lin, delivered a summary speech. Following the meeting, a charity sale and potluck dinner were held. While enjoying food and conversation, the volunteers upheld the team’s tradition by cleaning the park, ensuring no trash was left behind—a core principle of the team.
Now for the Land Team. Parents and children visited the Hope Elderly Activity Center, where they put on a delightful performance for seniors celebrating their birthdays that month. The young volunteers played instruments, sang, danced, and recited poems, bringing joy and smiles to the elderly. Serving the senior community is a significant part of the team’s mission, and both the youth and the elderly received well-deserved applause for their contributions, making it a memorable day for all involved.