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第三届 Johns Creek 农历新年游园会盛大举办,喜庆热闹迎蛇年!









发表于 2025-2-2 23:57:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 莉莉姐房产团队 于 2025-3-2 10:58 编辑

如约而至的 Johns Creek 农历新年游园会 2 1 日隆重举行。当天 阳光灿烂,碧空如洗,温暖的冬日宛如前两届般美好,仿佛也在为这场年度盛事增添一抹喜庆色彩。
The much-anticipated Johns Creek Lunar New Year Festival was grandly held on February 1st as scheduled. On that day, the sun shone brightly, the sky was clear, and the warm winter weather was just as pleasant as in the past two years, as if nature itself was adding a festive touch to this annual celebration. a3ca4af883f9fb9d1f2aae7757870d17.jpeg
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游园会现场 人潮如织,欢声笑语此起彼伏,舞龙舞狮翻腾跃动,鼓乐喧天点燃节日氛围。琳琅满目的摊位汇聚传统美食、文化体验、趣味游戏,让人流连忘返。传统与现代交融的精彩活动轮番上演,无论是沉浸在书法挥毫的雅韵,还是观赏表演的震撼,亦或是亲手尝试剪纸的妙趣横生,整个社区都沐浴在热烈的节日氛围中,共同迎接喜气洋洋的
At the festival, crowds gathered in waves, laughter and joy filled the air, while vibrant dragon and lion dances leaped and spun to the thunderous beat of drums, igniting the festive spirit. A dazzling array of booths showcased traditional delicacies, cultural experiences, and fun-filled games, making it hard to leave.
Exciting activities blending tradition and modernity took turns on stage—whether immersing in the elegance of calligraphy, being captivated by mesmerizing performances, or experiencing the joy of paper-cutting firsthand, the entire community was bathed in a jubilant atmosphere, welcoming the prosperous Year of the Snake together!
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Dezhu America Group: Proudly sponsoring for the third time, fully supporting the community, and celebrating the Lunar New Year together!
做为本地知名房地产开发商,德筑美国集团已连续三届荣膺Johns Creek 庙会的冠名赞助商,以坚定的承诺和磅礴的实力,鼎力支持这一极具文化意义的社区盛事。
As a renowned local real estate developer, Dezhu America Group has proudly served as the title sponsor of the Johns Creek Lunar New Year Festival for three consecutive years. With unwavering commitment and strong capabilities, the company continues to support this culturally significant community celebration with dedication and excellence.
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本届盛会上,该集团首席财务官 Frank Chen 发表了热情洋溢的致辞,表示非常荣幸能代表德筑美国集团参加这一充满文化魅力的盛会,与充满活力的JohnsCreek社区共同庆祝农历新年这一美好的节日。农历新年象征着家庭、复苏与希望,自2023年庙会创办以来,德筑集团一直以冠名赞助的方式支持这一活动,致力于拉近社区之间的联系。
At this year’s grand event, Frank Chen, Chief Financial Officer of Dezhu America Group, delivered an inspiring speech, expressing his great honor in representing Dezhu America Group at this culturally vibrant celebration and joining the dynamic Johns Creek community in welcoming the Lunar New Year.
He emphasized that the Lunar New Year symbolizes family, renewal, and hope. Since the festival’s inception in 2023, Dezhu America Group has proudly served as the title sponsor, demonstrating its commitment to strengthening community connections and fostering cultural unity.
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作为一家房地产开发商,德筑不仅仅专注于项目开发,更是文化与机遇的桥梁。多年来,德筑引入了众多投资者来到美国,其中许多人选择定居于Johns Creek,为当地的繁荣与多元化做出贡献。同时,德筑积极参与社区活动,通过支持文化交流与联结的项目,推动社区融合与发展。他们的投资和项目还创造了数千个就业机会,为地方经济注入活力。
As a real estate developer, Dezhu America Group is not only focused on project development but also serves as a bridge for culture and opportunity. Over the years, Dezhu has introduced numerous investors to the United States, many of whom have chosen to settle in Johns Creek, contributing to the city's prosperity and diversity.
At the same time, Dezhu actively engages in community initiatives, supporting projects that promote cultural exchange and connection, fostering community integration and growth. Their investments and developments have also created thousands of jobs, injecting vitality into the local economy.
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Johns Creek是一个传统与创新交融的地方,德筑感恩能为这个充满活力的社区贡献力量,成为其成功故事的一部分。感谢每一位为本次活动付出努力的人,也感谢所有到场的朋友们。
Johns Creek is a place where tradition and innovation seamlessly blend. Dezhu America Group is grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this vibrant community and to be part of its success story.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who dedicated their efforts to making this event possible, and to all the friends who joined us in celebration!
市长 John Bradberry 亲临助阵,盛赞农历新年庙会人气爆棚
Mayor John Bradberry attended the event in person, praising the Lunar New Year Festival for its incredible popularity and vibrant atmosphere!
Johns Creek 市长 John Bradberry 兴致勃勃地莅临现场,与社区居民一同感受这场热闹非凡的新春盛会。他在活动中发表讲话,满怀欣喜地表示:农历新年庙会已成功举办三年,规模一年比一年盛大,参与人数持续攀升,成为社区最具人气的节庆盛事之一
Mayor John Bradberry enthusiastically attended the event, immersing himself in the lively Lunar New Year celebration alongside community residents.
In his speech, he expressed his delight, stating that the Lunar New Year Festival has been successfully held for three years, growing in scale and popularity each year. With an ever-increasing number of participants, it has become one of the most well-attended and beloved celebrations in the community!
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他热情洋溢地谈到,活动现场气氛热烈,欢声笑语不断,居民们携家带口,沉浸在精彩纷呈的文艺演出与地道美食之中,共享这一年一度的文化盛宴。他特别感谢 中国企业德筑集团的慷慨赞助,让这场充满东方韵味的庙会得以在 华人聚居的 Johns Creek 延续发展,为社区带来更多欢乐与团结。他的讲话引发全场热烈掌声,让这场盛会更添温馨与感动!
He spoke with great enthusiasm about the vibrant atmosphere of the event, where laughter and joy filled the air as families gathered to enjoy spectacular cultural performances and authentic cuisine, fully immersing themselves in this annual cultural feast.
He extended special gratitude to Dezhu America Group, a Chinese enterprise, for its generous sponsorship, which has allowed this tradition-rich festival to continue thriving in Johns Creek, a city with a strong Chinese community presence. Their support has brought more joy and unity to the neighborhood.
His heartfelt speech received a round of enthusiastic applause, adding even more warmth and emotion to this remarkable celebration!
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整个活动都是由本地商家赞助费用而办成的,这里感谢每位商家的持续支持,他们分别为:银牌赞助商:飞雪舞团,铜牌赞助商:SIMPLY KITCHENS ,PartyRentals, We Partner,   莉莉姐房产团队. 还有社区赞助商:Assist NETS, TEAM AWESOME,KIDS TOASMASTER , Northview and River Trail
Chinese Parents Group, FarmersBasket
This entire event was made possible through the generous sponsorship of local businesses. A heartfelt thank you to each sponsor for their continued support:
🌟 Silver Sponsor: Feixue Dance Troupe
🥉 Bronze Sponsors: Simply Kitchens, PartyRentals, We Partner, and Lily and Richard Real Estate Team
🏡 Community Sponsors: Assist NETS, Team Awesome, Kids Toastmasters, Northview, and River Trail
Your contributions have helped bring this incredible celebration to life, fostering community spirit and cultural connection. Thank you for making this event such a success!
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段中医师连续三届以Johns Creek Culture Committee 委员的身份,和Johns Creek 市里联合主办此项活动,今年参加的义工有:XiaLi, Yi Li,  JJ Liew, Joann Lin, WilliamLin, Pingping Song, Lily Zhang, Becky Zhao, and Ivan Zhu, and students andparents from Northview High School and River Trail Middle School。
Dr. Duan, serving as a Johns Creek Culture Committee member for three consecutive years, has once again co-organized this event in collaboration with the City of Johns Creek.
This year’s event was made even more special thanks to the dedicated volunteers, including Xia Li, Yi Li, JJ Liew, Joann Lin, William Lin, Pingping Song, Lily Zhang, Becky Zhao, and Ivan Zhu, along with students and parents from Northview High School and River Trail Middle School.
Their hard work and commitment played a crucial role in making this celebration a success. Thank you to all the volunteers for your invaluable contributions!
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请欣赏精彩纷呈的节目表演, Sit back and enjoy the spectacular performances!: DSC00260.jpg DSC00272.jpg DSC00280.jpg DSC00304.jpg DSC00310.jpg DSC00351.jpg DSC00355.jpg DSC00367.jpg DSC00380.jpg DSC00385.jpg DSC00398.jpg DSC00415.jpg DSC00439.jpg DSC00441.jpg DSC00454.jpg DSC00457.jpg DSC00467.jpg DSC00516.jpg DSC00521-2.jpg DSC00527.jpg DSC00530.jpg DSC00538.jpg
龙腾盛世迎新春,欢聚一堂庆团圆——第三届 Johns Creek 农历新年游园会圆满落幕
衷心感谢所有组织者、志愿者、商家伙伴及热情参与的居民们! 特别感谢 德筑美国集团及各大赞助商的鼎力支持,让这一文化盛宴绽放光彩。
A Prosperous New Year, A Joyous Reunion!
The 3rd Annual Johns Creek Lunar New Year Festival has successfully concluded!
A heartfelt thank you to all organizers, volunteers, business partners, and enthusiastic community members for making this event such a memorable celebration.
Special thanks to Dezhu America Group and all our generous sponsors for their unwavering support, allowing this cultural extravaganza to shine even brighter!
Until next year—see you at the next celebration!
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虽有不舍,但精彩未完,让我们期待 2026,龙腾虎跃,再度相聚
Though we part with a hint of reluctance, the excitement is far from over! Let’s look forward to 2026, where we will reunite once again with soaring dragons and leaping tigers for another unforgettable celebration!

后续,Johns Creek 市长及市议员 在 2 月 24 日市政会议上对我们团队在本次游园会的卓越组织能力给予了高度认可,并公开表达了高度评价。此次活动的圆满成功,不仅展现了我们团队的组织能力,更进一步提升了我们在本地社区的影响力。
At the February 24th City Council meeting, the Mayor and City Council Members of Johns Creek highly recognized our team's outstanding organizational efforts in this park event and publicly expressed their high appreciation. The great success of this event demonstrated our strong organizational capabilities and willingness to serve the community.









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