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Open Arms 第一届暑期特需孩子夏令营









发表于 2023-8-25 22:14:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 信望爱 于 2023-8-25 22:23 编辑

    Written By: Doris Gu (Open Arms Vice President, South Forsyth High School 10th Grader)

    In the months of June and July, Open Arms opened two 1-week long half-day summer camps for kids with special needs. At the Open Arms Summer Camp, children were given the opportunity to explore their interests, build new skills, and make lasting memories. We designed a program that catered to a wide range of interests. From chess enthusiasts to growing coders, from dancers with a passion for rhythm to young artists eager to express themselves, every child found a space where their creativity could flourish. The campers had a chance to dive into a variety of activities, each carefully curated to encourage both personal growth and camaraderie.

    今年暑假,Open Arms 在六月和七月分别为有特需孩子开设了两个为期一周的半天夏令营。 在Open Arms夏令营中,孩子们有机会探索自己的兴趣、培养新技能并留下持久的回忆。 我们设计了迎合广泛兴趣的不同项目。从国际象棋爱好者到成长中的程序员,从热爱节奏的舞者到渴望表达自己的年轻艺术家,每个孩子都找到了发挥创造力的空间。 营员们有机会参加各种活动,每项活动都经过精心策划,以鼓励个人成长和建立友情。

    The first half of camp time buzzed with the sound of laughter and music coming from the dance room as kids explored different dance styles. In coding classes, kids dived into the world of technology, turning curious minds into budding programmers. In the art classes, imagination ran wild on paper, allowing young artists to bring their visions to life through colors and shapes.

    夏令营的前半段时间,舞蹈室里传出欢笑声和音乐声,孩子们探索了不同风格的舞蹈。 在编程课上,孩子们沉浸在技术世界中,将好奇的头脑变成了崭露头角的程序员。 在艺术课上,想象力在纸上尽情发挥,让年轻艺术家通过颜色和形状将他们的愿景变成现实。
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    But the fun learning didn't stop there. The second half of camp time was dedicated to big group activities that brought all the campers together. Limbo, freeze tag, hot potato, musical chairs, cops and robbers, red light green light - these games transcended age, letting kids be kids, and fostering teamwork and cooperation.
    有趣的学习并不止于此。 营地时间的后半段致力于将所有营员聚集在一起的大型集体活动。 《地狱边境》、《冷冻标签》、《烫手山芋》、《音乐椅》、《警察与强盗》、《红灯绿灯》—这些游戏超越了年龄,让孩子成为孩子,培养团队精神和合作精神。
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    A unique aspect of Open Arms Summer Camp was the points system. Campers earned points for completing lessons, assisting fellow campers, and demonstrating good sportsmanship. These points weren't just numbers; they were tickets to a store where campers could spend their earnings on exciting rewards at the end of the week. This not only motivated kids to participate enthusiastically but also instilled a sense of responsibility and kindness.
    Open Arms夏令营的一个独特之处是积分制度。 营员可以通过完成课程、协助其他营员以及表现出良好的体育精神来获得积分。 这些点不仅仅是数字,它们也是营会结束时商店的购物券。 营员可以在营会结束时用他们的收入购买令人兴奋的奖励。 这不仅激发了孩子们的参与热情,也培养了孩子们的责任感。
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    As the week drew to a close, the anticipation for the grand water balloon fight grew. The campers unleashed their energy, laughter echoing as they dashed and dodged amidst a cascade of colorful water balloons. It was a fitting finale to a week full of learning, friendship, and fun.

    随着一周夏令营接近尾声,人们对最后的水气球大战的期待与日俱增。在水气球大战中,义工和营员们尽情释放能量,在色彩缤纷的水气球中奔跑、躲避,笑声不断。 这是充满学习、友谊和乐趣的一周的完美结局。
    Open Arms Summer Camp wasn't just an event; it was an embodiment of the organization's mission to nurture and empower the next generation, both volunteers and special needs kids, offering them a place where they could thrive, learn, and forge lifelong memories.  We have been trying all kinds of efforts to grow, and expand our influence to all communities. We were so happy seeing some new faces during our summer camps. Not only did we have new volunteers join us, we also welcomed four special needs campers from outside the True Love community, That was a significant step for Open Arms to grow beyond the Chinese community.  
    Open Arms
    夏令营不仅仅是一次简单的活动, 它体现了该组织培养下一代(包括志愿者和特需孩子)的使命,为志愿者和特需孩子提供一个可以成长、学习和打造终生记忆的地方。 我们一直在尝试各种不同的方式去发展,扩大社区影响力。我们很高兴在夏令营期间看到一些新面孔。不仅有新的义工加入,我们还迎来了来自真爱社区之外的四位特需孩子,这是Open Arms向华人社区之外发展的重要一步。
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