本帖最后由 米雪儿 于 2023-9-18 20:55 编辑
First Step团队劳工节露营纪实
Emily Song 和 Hongming
每年劳工节,都是我们First Step团队一百五十名小义工们最盼望的日子,因为这一天年年有惊喜,今年也不例外。
这里有架着柴禾烧起的老土灶,人们正把新鲜的玉米扔进大铁锅;那里有长桌摆开的yard sale台,孩子正喝着奶茶摆弄着玩具。有的三五成群追逐着家鸭漫步,有的单兵独斗观赏母鸡孵卵;有秋千在参天大树间荡漾,又有摇床挂古木枝头休闲。好一片安静详和的秋日景像!
篝火点起来!号角吹起来!穿上蒙古族的服装,骑上蒙古族的战马,那分明是蒙古可汗来到营员中间! 伴随着《鸿雁》高亢有力的歌声,草原女主人带着营员围着巨大的篝火载歌载舞,大人们一展久违的歌喉,孩子们也唱响欢快的旋律。
照片由Hannah Gao等同学和家长拍摄。
First Step Team Labor Day Activities
Emily Song
Over the Labor Day weekend, First Step brought its community together at a charming local farm for a day filled with connections and discussions about the organization's future. The day kicked off with a lively garage sale, where First Step members enthusiastically brought their own items to sell and purchased items from one another. Amidst this bustling activity, members engaged in heartfelt conversations, enjoyed the swing sets, and acquainted themselves with the delightful farm life.
Inside the cozy farmhouse, another group of members engaged in spirited card games, ranging from classics like BS to poker. As the day progressed and everyone arrived, the highlight of the gathering was the communal dinner. Families contributed a diverse array of dishes to share, creating a delicious and welcoming feast. As the chatter subsided, members and their families gathered for an entertaining talent show, featuring a wide range of performances, from K-Pop dancing to violin virtuosity.
Following the talent show, the team formally introduced its current officers, and senior officers announced their successors, a moment of significance as they prepared to depart for college. Subsequently, members divided into smaller groups and engaged in icebreaker activities. Each participant shared two truths and a lie, and the groups collectively decided whose facts were the most intriguing, fostering camaraderie among the team.
Afterward, everyone assembled in front of a row of yurts to capture a memorable group photo. As some of the younger members excitedly mounted horses, the older ones returned to their card games. As the sun began to set, adults kindled a cozy fire, providing the perfect opportunity for members to savor the timeless pleasure of making s'mores.
As the night sky unveiled its sparkling stars, everyone gathered around a roaring bonfire. In this enchanting atmosphere, papers were ceremoniously burned, hands were clasped in unity, and music filled the air. As the night wore on, some members bid their farewells, while others prepared to spend the night in the inviting yurts nearby. The Labor Day weekend at the farm had truly been a memorable and enriching experience for all involved.
Photos were provided by Hannah Gao |