本帖最后由 米雪儿 于 2024-8-23 20:21 编辑
阵亡将士纪念日那天,一群 First Step 成员前往拉尼尔湖附近的west bank公园清理垃圾,庆祝暑假的开始。当天的活动开始时,每个成员分散到公园各处捡垃圾。他们收集了汽水罐、塑料瓶、食品包装纸、烟头和其他杂物,每个人都至少装满了一袋垃圾。他们的努力使当地环境更加清洁,对野生动物和游客来说都更加安全。
清理工作结束后,成员们在拉尼尔湖游泳和玩耍,放松身心。Emily的家长还带来了橡皮船,让一些成员有机会在湖上划船。成员的还分享了各种传统美食,有手工饺子、扬州炒饭和鸡肉沙拉等等。吃饭时,成员们自我介绍,彼此认识,互相加深了感情,加大共识,家长们都赞扬first step团队活动丰富,锻炼孩子,尤其对树立孩子的公益意识很有帮助。饭后,他们又回到湖边继续享受夏日,美好的暑假生活开始了!
(撰稿Emily Song 中文翻译鸿鸣)
On Memorial Day, a group of First Step members visited West Bank Park near Lake Lanier to clean up trash and celebrate the start of their summer break. The day began with each member spreading out across the park to pick up litter. They collected soda cans, plastic bottles, food wrappers, cigarette butts, and other debris, with everyone filling at least one bag of trash. Their efforts made the local environment cleaner and safer for both wildlife and visitors.
After the cleanup, members relaxed by swimming and playing in Lake Lanier. A generous family brought a kayak, giving some members the chance to paddle on the lake. Families also shared a variety of foods for a potluck, where everyone enjoyed dishes like dumplings, fried rice, and chicken salad. As they ate, members introduced themselves and bonded with each other. Once the meal was over, they headed back to the lake to continue enjoying their summer day.